Mates in Mind

Elliott Supports Mates in Mind

We’re delighted to report that Elliott is now a supporter of Mates in Mind, the charity improving workplace mental health in Construction. We’re looking forward to working together to enhance our mental health strategy, because health isn’t always visible.

As part of our announcement, on The ILO World Day for Safety & Health at Work 2021, we held safety stand downs across the business and all our depots, to discuss how we can ensure that the physical and mental health of all our employees is protected. These were delivered in socially distanced groups, and via remote meetings for our staff currently working from home.

'Effective health and safety performance comes from the top’. We agree. That’s why despite Covid-19 and lockdown restrictions, we have increased our Leadership Walks by 300% since September. This is just one of a host of improvement measures we are working on.

The ILO World Day for Safety & Health at Work is an international campaign to promote safe, healthy and decent work around the globe. We’re working hard on ensuring health and safety top of mind for everyone in Elliott. We’re making good progress - on top of all our other improvements and efforts, In the past six months our hazards and observations have increased by 376%!

Our leadership walks and safety stand-downs are just two of the actions we're taking across our whole company to ensure the continued safety of our staff and clients, which will continue as we proceed in 2021! We have started inviting more of our colleagues to become mental health first aiders. No matter where our employees are based, we want to ensure we can help them get the support they need. Along with our long-standing Employee Assistance Programme, our mental health first aiders will be able to signpost help for any staff who need it.

Chris Coxon

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