Temporary Modular Building Resources

All the information you need to know about Algeco modular buildings
Algeco delivers thousands of buildings to satisfied customers every year. Read how we have successfully delivered projects like yours previously. Read about our track record of delivering successful building projects for every application.
From case studies and frequently asked questions to downloadable information and brochures, we’re to help you to give any information you need about our products and services. If you can’t find the answer here, get in touch.
Our Hire Case Studies
Here are just a few examples of how we've helped costumers across a wide range of sectors to benefit from our services.
How many people can your portable buildings accommodate?
Our single-cabin Anti-Vandal units and Monobloc portable cabins can accommodate up to six desks in an office space or serve as changing rooms or welfare facilities for a team.
What is the typical lead time for delivery?
For our Anti-Vandal storage containers and portable offices, our typical lead time is one week. For our Moduflex & Containex accommodation, the lead time is typically be 4-8 weeks, although may be longer depending on the size and scale of the project, and availability of 360° products. Our modular buildings may have longer lead time, again depending on the size of the project.
Are service connections required for my accommodation?
If you want easy on-site access to water for toilet and washing facilities, and will require a large power supply, the most convenient option is to use a service connection to mains electricity and water. We can work with you to provide your site with these service connections with little administrative cost to you.