Health and Safety

All our activities and working environments are supported
A dedicated Health & Safety team
Health and Safety is at the core of everything we do. We want to ensure that our workforce can work in a safe environment, and we want our clients, their staff and their customers to be safe too. That’s why we have a dedicated Health and Safety team who support us at every level of our business – from senior management to our production facilities and installation teams.
Fully trained
We invest heavily in Health and Safety training for all our staff, covering practical applications, line management responsibilities and processes or systems for managing Health and Safety. We also provide expert advice to clients, striving to make sure that every project is delivered free from any Health and Safety events and in line with legislative requirements.
Supporting the environment
Part of our mission to deliver health and safety onsite includes environmental considerations. Underpinning all our work is our commitment to delivering sustainable and responsible operations. We understand our duty of care to meet the needs of today without compromising the needs of future generations. To learn more about our dedication to sustainability in construction, please get in touch.