Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Algeco make every effort to eliminate discrimination in the workplace
We employ individuals for their talents and their ability to work to a high standard within our diverse and dynamic, innovative team.
At Algeco, we show how we respect and value differences by nurturing an environment where everyone experiences a sense of belonging, from apprenticeships to leadership roles.
We celebrate our people and their unique skills, experiences, and abilities. By joining Algeco, your skills and knowledge can develop as part of a collaborative team.
You’ll play your part in helping to innovate as we build a better future and create value for our customers, our people, our society and – ultimately – the planet that we all share.
And that’s not just something we hope is true: it’s a fact. In recent engagement surveys, our colleagues have overwhelmingly told us that our workplace is one where everybody can be themselves, and everyone is valued.

We are a forces friendly employer
In 2013, Algeco signed a pledge to the Armed Forces Corporate Covenant. This pledge means we will endeavour in our business dealings to uphold the key principles of the Armed Forces Covenant, which are:
No member of the Armed Forces Community should face disadvantage in the provision of public and commercial services compared to any other citizen
In some circumstances special treatment may be appropriate especially for the injured or bereaved.
We recognise the value serving personnel, reservists, veterans and military families bring to our business and to our country. We will seek to uphold the principles of the Armed Forces Covenant, by:
- Promoting the Armed Forces: promoting the fact that we are an Armed Forces-friendly organisation, to our staff, customers, suppliers, contractors and wider public.
- Veterans: supporting the employment of veterans, recognising military skills and qualifications in our recruitment and selection process; working with the Career Transition Partnership (CTP) to support the employment of Service leavers;
- Service Spouses & Partners: supporting the employment of Service spouses and partners; partnering with the Forces Families Jobs Forum
- Reserves: supporting our employees who are members of the Reserve Forces; granting additional unpaid leave for annual Reserve Forces training; supporting any mobilisations and deployment; actively encouraging members of staff to become Reservists;
- Cadet Organisations: supporting our employees who are volunteer leaders in military cadet organisations, granting additional leave to attend annual training camps and courses; recognising the benefits of employing cadets/ex-cadets within the workforce.
- National Events: supporting Armed Forces Day, Reserves Day, the Poppy Appeal Day and Remembrance activities;