From zero to 6.5million – the story behind the Algeco UK Outbound Team
Louisa Cottrell, Outbound Sales Manager at Algeco UK, joined the business in September 2023 after the company identified an opportunity to grow and develop a lead generation team. In the 6 months that followed, this new function has seen incredible success with plans to maintain and expand on these further.
Below, Louisa explains the challenges the company faced in making this change, how the team has overcome obstacles in doing so and plans to sustain these levels moving forward.
Over to Louisa…
Lead generation and sales has always been my background. I have worked in this area, predominantly with the utilities sector, since 2003. I am an expert at maximising returns from online sales lead providers, some of which I have used for 20 years. I am proud to have now implemented this at Algeco UK, as I am driven by creating something from nothing. That is why this role, and the formation of the team here, was such an appealing prospect to me.
This applies to my work and my life outside of it. I am based in Chesterfield, Derbyshire, and started kickboxing locally in my 40s. I am now only one belt away from black belt and a trainee instructor. I challenged myself to start martial arts after trying white collar boxing. I enjoy setting and surpassing goals, which helped me when I suffered a spinal cord injury in 2022. I briefly lost the full use of my legs for two weeks, but thankfully recovered, and have used my resilience from that experience to run at fresh challenges ever since.
Change management and consolidated goals
I initially took over a team of four at Algeco UK, where colleagues had historically provided an admin function focused on appointment setting, but not directly targeted/monitored to generate revenue. The role and responsibilities of the team required a significant shift but I quickly ensured everyone understood my knowledge and passion – instilling insight into how to use data and positivity around lead generation from day one.
Anticipating the challenges around adapting a team's focus, I ensured that I shared demonstrated results immediately and openly discussed how I have built a career in this field. I provided guidance on how I have utilised products in such a way that those tools can be easily adopted to generate and create. Before now, I had been focused on independent success so this represented the first time I had openly shared my knowledge of this process with others, but by doing so, buy-in was established quickly and the results of the team have been phenomenal.
Now and then we will assist with account issues, aiming to help resolve a problem that a customer may be facing. We will take on concerns and field these to relevant partners, signposting when appropriate for the benefit of both the customer and the wider business.
Most importantly, we have developed an ethos of never cold-calling without reason. We want a reputation where people know if they hear from us, we have done our research and we are getting in touch with purpose. Due diligence to investigate the right contact and offer the right introduction is essential to this aim. We believe in quality over quantity and have even dropped daily dial targets, focusing instead on qualified calls.
I cannot thank the team enough for embracing all of these aspects and change. I knew that we would succeed, but I wasn’t prepared for how quickly the hard work, tenacity and resilience of these colleagues would show a return. From non-revenue generation as the starting point, the team has achieved 6.5 million pounds worth of enquiries in just 4 months. Which is outstanding however you look at it!
What are some of the techniques the Algeco UK Outbound have adopted?
In addition to the prior mentioned knowledge I have shared from my previous career, we have also implemented proactive contact on the back of web interaction, where we receive outreach opportunities for us to offer appropriate solutions. In the main, we look after unallocated accounts, supporting the sales teams at Algeco UK, who already have assigned accounts and existing relationships with customers. If a previous client has been lost or lapsed over time, we will reach out to them now, either on the back of specific projects from the past or as new prospective customers to the business. Making inroads with old and new contacts is an essential aspect of what we do.
We have divided regions between the team, who have embraced this incredibly, and we are investing in more staff, expecting to become a team of 6 soon. All members of the team live in separate places across the country from the northwest to the midlands and southeast. This is my first experience of leading a team remotely – I have always been office-based and sat together, but we are in constant contact and the dynamic works well. There is a lot to be said as well for the benefits of regional understanding and having a diverse team across the UK. This is already proving helpful in relationship building and understanding the different needs that businesses we contact. Lived experience of the nuances communities have and how this impacts companies situated in different geographical locations is a real plus and ensures an insightful perspective when someone hears from us.
What does the future look like for the Algeco UK Outbound team?
As a new team, targets are still being developed and it will take time and reflection to establish what is sustainable long-term. Growing and developing based on the team's activities and results makes sense and as these have been so strong already, we can comfortably see that the path we are taking is a positive one.
The Outbound team feeds into the wider organisation well and we have received very positive internal feedback from area sales managers. Our ambition was to be self-sufficient and to convert own leads into opportunities. We don’t hand anything over internally until it is a genuine enquiry, beyond a warm lead. Establishing requirements in this way helps our excellent sales colleagues increase efficiency and find the best imaginable solution for the customer first time.
If I hear from the Algeco UK Outbound team, who will call me?
There is a chance you will hear from me! I like to be referred to as the team's leader as opposed to their manager – I love what we do so I am still very much in the boat, just steering it as well. Chadrack is our new starter, away from generating leads he is an amateur boxer who recently sparred with Eddie Hall. When Dave isn’t helping customers find the right solution he likes nothing better than to relax with a 25 kilometre mountain bike ride over the weekend (weather depending). When Stuart is not talking to customers he’s likely to be watching sport or at the gym or running and is an avid liverpool supporter & tennis fan. Katie, when not lead generating, is planning her next charity event.
Our team now has an overarching responsibility to understand customer needs, whether that is site welfare, storage accommodation solutions or any other Algeco UK-related need. When we speak to you, we are looking to understand what a typical site set-up looks like in your environment. One caller may need one 20ft store, the next might require a 50+ modular setup. It is entirely varied which means understanding our product offering combined with understanding you is important. We can then direct you to the right channel, supplying highly relevant information and ensuring you get the best recommendations and results, fast.
If you have an upcoming site that requires welfare units, storage or office solutions, please do get in touch for a conversation. We will be more than happy to help ensure you get the outcome that you are looking for.